Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 410209


  • STA s.r.l.


STA has been designing and producing special hydraulic equipment for the construction industry and for the naval industry for more than thirty years. STA are one of the world's premier manufacturers of grouting equipment, grouting pumps, mixing unit for grouting, jet-grouting, chemical injection and vibroflotation equipment for vibrocompactation and stone columns, power packs. STA injectors can easily satisfy all site requirements where low, medium and high pressure injections are required for all applications. STA has been designing and manufacturing special hydraulic vibroflots for more than 30 years. Vibro flotation and stone columns techniques represent a flexible solution for soil improvement. They are mainly used to improve the bearing capacity, improve soil density, reduce settlements under structural foundations and eliminate potential liquefaction effect
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Reliable and proven hydraulic vibroflottation equipment for making stone columns and deep soil compaction.
Ground treatment with the VibroSTA method meets a wide range of load bearing capacity and reliable ground improvement requirements and provides an economical alternative to more expensive deep foundation technologies

